

夜里11点坐上一个黑人开的uberX,他的车是Honda Pilot,比较大的一款SUV,内装很好,是皮座,他说这车可以开XL也可以开X,他两种活都接,虽然X比XL挣钱少也接,因为不想空等。他有背痛的毛病,不能久坐,需要隔一段时间出来伸展一下,才能继续接活。我估计是腰间盘突出。他的毛病是20年前的一场车祸留下的,对方是酒后驾驶,当时他动了个大手术,可是留下了腰疼的后遗症,需要时不时看医生,甚至动手术。虽然当时对方付了医药费,但是几年之后再看医生就不负担了。这哥们说他今年又动了手术,总共医药费18万,自己掏腰包付费3万刀左右,不包括保险费用,剩下的保险公司负担。因此说到了医疗保险,他买的是obamacare,公司是Blue Cross Blue Shield,每月保费700刀,保他和他老婆两人,还要付5000刀deductible。他老婆今年伤到了脚,他说因为他动了手术,他老婆的脚手术就只能延后到明年了。他说他明年打算换一种保险计划,每月保费多付一些,这样可以少付一些deductible。他说他以前有个咨询的工作,那时的保险比现在好,他前几年失业了,还用了CORBA一年半(政府规定失业员工可以在失业后自己付钱延续用公司的保险计划),虽然自己付钱,也比现在的obamacare强,可惜CORBA有时间限制。





共和党辩论第二轮观后感:总共有11个参选人,8个职业政客,3个新手,让我觉得有意思的是职业政客花了n多时间贬低奥巴马和伊朗达成的协议,抹黑妖魔化伊朗,新手Trump问:“你们大骂伊朗,伊朗并没有核武器,北韩有核武器,而且还不断叫嚣要使用它,为什么你们却没有一个人提到北韩?”,这正是我想问的问题,结果接话的Jeb Bush竟然就象没听见一样,回应他的另一个问题,而完全没有回应他北韩的问题,之后的所有候选人的回答也完全没有提到北韩。为什么这些政客对那个跳梁小丑,麻烦制造者金三胖避而不谈,我不得不思考这个有趣现象的原因,我不得不猜测,虽然北韩力量远不如伊朗强大,但是美国忌惮北韩背后撑腰的大哥中国,对麻烦制造者金三胖却束手无策,因此避而不谈。除此之外,实在没有什么更好的解释。

Guide of saying F word to someone in office

Terrific dictionary this is! More updates to come…

To ALL Employees 

It has been brought to the management’s attention that some individuals have been using foul language in the course of normal conversation between employees.  Due to complaints from some of the easily offended workers, this conduct will no longer be tolerated. 

The management does, however, realize the importance of each person being able to properly express their feelings when communicating with their fellow employees.  Therefore, the management has compiled the following code phrases so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue. 

He asks too many questions He is good at reaching out to people for information.
No fucking way I’m not certain that’s feasible
You’ve got to be shitting me Really.
Tell someone who gives a fuck Perhaps you should check with…
Ask me if I give a fuck Of course I am concerned.
It’s not my fucking problem I wasn’t involved in that project.
What the fuck? Interesting behavior.
Fuck it, it won’t work I’m not sure i can implement this.
Why the fuck didn’t you tell me that sooner I’m trying to schedule that.
When the fuck do you expect me to do this? Perhaps I can work late.
Who the fuck cares? Are you sure it’s a problem?
He’s got his head up his ass He’s not familiar with the problem.
Eat shit You don’t say
Eat shit and die Excuse me?
Eat shit and die, motherfucker Excuse me, sir?
What the fuck do they want from my life? They weren’t happy with it?
Kiss my ass So you’d like my help with it?
Fuck it, I’m on salary I’m a bit overworked at the moment.
Shove it up your ass I don’t think you understand.
This job sucks I love a challenge
Who the hell died and made you boss You want me to take care of this?
Blow me I see
Blow yourself Do you see?
Another fucking meeting Yes, we should discuss this.
I really don’t give a shit I don’t think it will be a problem.
Fuck you How nice.  How very nice.